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Word Processing
& Document Editing



  • Assistance with typing and editing of letters, reports, manuscripts etc. to a professional/business standard. 

  • Copy typing from hand written scripts. 

  • Academic papers - formatting to style guide.

  • Preparation of PowerPoint presentations. 

  • Creating PDF files from original documents and scanning files into PDF format. 

  • Preparing name and address data to create mailing labels and mail merge documents. 

  • Data entry into Excel spreadsheet.




Transcribing recordings of meetings or audio files from videos.  My audio equipment recognises most audio file types. 

Audio Transcription is not an easy task, and involves hours of concentration and hard work. For example, to transcribe a one hour audio file can take anywhere between 4½ to 5½ hours assuming a clear recording (no background noises) with English speakers (without strong accents).  Where there is a group conversation with people talking over each other it can take much longer.  Transcriptions can contain a timeline each time the speaker changes, this takes longer to type.  Most people require a script without any umm’s or repetitions i.e. intelligent transcription.  

Audio files can be transferred via the internet (Dropbox or WeTransfer) and transcriptions e-mailed. 

Mobile Secretarial Service



Using my laptop and portable printer, I have assisted an elderly person in a retirement home, typing directly from dictation and printing the completed documents while on site.  I also provide secretarial support to a visually impaired client.


General Admin



I can also provide the following services:

  • E-mail correspondence

  • Scanning

  • Filing

  • Printing/photocopying

  • Laminating

  • Minutes

  • Data Entry i.e. receipts into spreadsheet

  • Mailing labels (mail merge)

Please use the contact page to make an enquiry.
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